Space Design Workshop

Space Design Workshop

The Space Design Workshop (SDW) is a single day event designed for students years 7 to 9. It aims to smooth the transition from JSDC to ASDC, for both students and teachers, by providing an experience comparable to a scaled-down ASDC national final. 

Students work in competing teams to prepare a proposal for a futuristic space settlement, in response to a provided Request For Tender (RFT). These responses are then presented at the end of the challenge. 


  • Space Design Workshops are flexible in how they can be run. For example, a workshop may be run with 100 students from one school, or could also be held with 4 schools coming together for a single day event. The workshop may be scaled down even to 60 students. Further, schools have the discretion to choose when during the year they want to run these events. Contact us if you are interested but not sure you the SDW can work for you.
  • Schools may organise multiple SDW’s per year. Licensing options are also available for Space Design Workshops. Please contact us to discuss further.

The Task

In a similar fashion to the ASDC, students in years 7 to 9 are divided up into separate companies. Once settled, the teams go about responding to a Request For Tender (RFT), which includes several key factors. Such factors include Basic Requirements, Structural Design, Operations and Infrastructure, Human Factors, and Automation.

Each team is tasked with designing a space settlement to respond to the RFT and preparing a 10-minute presentation to demonstrate their work to a panel of judges. Together, the students must overcome challenges often faced by those in real life scenarios, such as communication, conflicting information and viewpoints. All the while, students gain early experience of the functionings of high performing teams.

At the end of the challenge and following the presentations, the proposals are judged with respect to four judgement criteria: Thoroughness, Credibility, Balance and Innovation.

What do you get?

  • A fully comprehensive pack to assist with planning and executing the event, including program book, presentation packs, runsheet, CEO and adviser guide, and judging guide.
  • The complete Request for Tender, which outlines all requirements students need to respond to
  • Prising to host an SDW is $10 per student.
  • An SDCA advisor may be made available upon request. Additional costs may apply.

For Teachers

The Space Design Challenge is an internal one-day event for students years 7 to 9. smooths the transition between the Junior Space Design Competition (JSDC) and Australian Space Design Competition (ASDC). The event has the same layout as the ASDC national finals, which allows students and teachers alike to familiarise themselves with the workload faced in the senior competition. 

The team’s proposals are judged with the same criteria as with all SDCA events, namely:

  • Creativity
  • Plausibility
  • Thoroughness
  • Balance

Previous Submissions

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