Junior Space Design Competition

The Junior Space Design Competition (JSDC) is designed for students in Grades 5-8. Teams of up to four students form a marketing consultancy and prepare advertising material to support a proposed space settlement. The same scenario is used for the JSDC and ASDC competitions each year.

Submissions are marked by our independent judging panel, with the top teams being chosen as Finalists and asked to present their briefs each October at the annual JSDC Presentation event.

We are committed to creating a supportive and inclusive learning environment for all students. We empower students of all gender identities, sexual orientations, religions and backgrounds to experience our events and competitions.


  • Registrations open - 25 MARCH 2024

  • JSDC Teacher Workshop - TBD 2024

  • Registrations close - 17 JUNE 2024

    Payment deadline.

  • JSDC Submissions Due - 16 August 2024

  • JSDC Finalists announced - 9 September 2024

  • JSDC Presentation event - 20 October 2024

The Task

Students from grades 5 to 8 – form their own futuristic marketing agency. Each agency can have a maximum of four staff members or as little as one (1-4 students per team).

Each agency is asked to produce a video advertisement to support the construction of a new space settlement. The scenario changes each year, with the same context as the ASDC.  The task is to deconstruct the space settlement being designed, and produce advertising material to advocate its construction.

The advertisement video must be no longer than 90 seconds long. Entries may be submitted as a video, or a combination of storyboard and script.

Submissions are reviewed and judged by an independent panel.  The judges short-list finalist teams who are invited to present their entries at the JSDC Presentation Event in October. This event is held at The University of Queensland (St Lucia campus) in Brisbane; interstate teams can present their advertising presentations via video-conference.

What do you get?

Upon registration, each team receives the following from SDCA:

  • The complete marketing brief, which outlines all information

  • An SDCA-appointed advisor, who can assist you in supporting your students as they work through the JSDC

  • Access to the Foundation Society Archive – shared online resources for your students to research

  • Access to an online chat platform, to discuss your JSDC participation with SDCA and other teachers

jsdc Registration options

Per team Entry

  • 1 Team licenced to use JSDC Material per registration
  • 1 Submission allowed per registration
  • 1 Submission externally judged per registration
  • Cost: $60 per registration

School Licence Model

  • Unlimited teams licensed to use JSDC Material within the school.
  • Submissions and external judging optional 
  • $60 per submission for judging (min $300)
  • Contact us to discuss licencing options.

For Teachers

The Junior Space Design Competition (JSDC) is designed as an entry path to the Australian Space Design Competition (ASDC) for students in Years 5-8. The event features many aspects from the Australian Space Design Competition (ASDC), presented in a unique and interesting format for younger students.

JSDC judges are looking for the same themes as in all SDCA events, namely:

  • Creativity
  • Plausibility
  • Thoroughness
  • Balance

Previous Submissions

Click the icons for more information

PDF Submission Sample

JSDC 2015

Video Submission Example

JSDC 2018

JSDC Media Brief to Students

JSDC 2014